The quality of the work provided by Acoucité and the MONICA project partners were rewarded for their outstanding connected solution to manage sound and safety in outdor events.
The award Décibel d’argent was handed out in the research category of the the 18th Décibel d’Or competition in 2019. It rewards the actions carried out on the Metropolis of Lyon and on European cities by Acoucité partners dedicated to the creation of sound control solutions.
IoTBridge has acquired its first project, a railway bridge in the very north of Sweden. The bridge will be equipped with two accelerometers and two strain gauge sensors during summer.
Due to deformations in the embankment, the sagging of the rail has caused abrupt changes in the stiffness, creating a bump for the train to pass over when entering the bridge. As a rehabilitation action, concrete foundation slabs have been installed adjacent to the abutments in the transition zones in order to spread the change in stiffness over larger distances The collected data is transferred to the IoTBridge cloud and analysed. The main objective of the measurements is to verify the efficiency of the rehabilitation measure.
Click the image for more details about the project:
IoTBridge is focused on developing and marketing products and services for Bridge Health Monitoring using IoT and AI technologies. IoTBridge Sweden is a subsidiary of CNet. Read more at
On Tuesday the 11th June 2019 Sveriges Radio reported about the MONICA project “Researchers will erase noise from concerts”. The report referred to the latest concert by the artist Medina on the 31st of May 2019 in Copenhagens Tivoli included in their Friday rock concert series stating that the results of the MONICA project may be able to annihilate the noise disturbance of outdoor concerts.
The Tivoli is part of the international research project MONICA, which tries to find “smart” solutions that can satisfy both, concert enthusiasts and residents of the area, as neighbours have complained since Tivoli started their Friday rock concerts outdoors. Built 176 years ago, the amusement park was in the outskirts of Copenhagen, but has long been enclosed by the growing city and is situated in the centre now, with accommodation not far from the loud concerts.
We have now started a new spin-off company, IoTBridge, to commercialise results from our innovation projects Monica, IoTBridge and InfraSweden2030.
IoTBridge is focused on developing and marketing structural health monitoring of bridges using IoT – Internet of Things and AI technologies according to Peter Rosengren CEO for CNet.
IoTBridge has been founded by CNet and two world-leading researchers and bridge experts from the Department of Structural Engineering and Bridges at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Professor Raid Kharoumi and Associate Professor John Leander. IoTBridge will combine CNets IoT and cloud technologies with structural engineering algorithms for damage detection and life time assessment.
The MONICA project demonstrates its pilot Common operational picture – COP on the “Hamburg DOM”. The largest fun fair in Northern Germany is held in front of Hamburg’s Cathedral for 30 days three times a year, in spring, summer and winter. The Winterdom takes place from the 9th of November to the 9th of December 2018. On an area of 160.000 qm² several hundred rides, snack shops, bakeries, taverns, shows and weekly fireworks expect over 2 million visitors.
This year the MONICA project set up a system to address crowd management. The system consists of mobile and fixed IoT-enabled devices deployed at the event area. IoT-enabled meaning that these have sensors and can wirelessly connect to the Internet and communicate and initiate actions. The information exchanges in the MONICA project is handled by a cloud-based platform with control systems that monitor the collected data and perform automated actions based on behaviour modelling. The platform also consists of components which analyse data and detect critical incidents, supporting operators in assessing situations and making decisions. CNet has developed the database for the Common Operational Picture and the visualisation tool to provide decision support to the event operators.
The second Hackathon of the MONICA project took place on 26th to 28th October 2018 in Leeds. Seven teams from Finland, Germany, Spain and the UK took part in the challenge for designing digital technologies that could help enhance sports fan engagement and experience at the stadium.
The winner Pauline O’Callaghan impressed the jury with a solution for augmented hearing that enables stadium visitors to control their auditory environment during games. Pauline O’Callaghan, a young electronic engineer from Berlin, won €5000 prize money with her winning solution ‘Hearability’.
The solution, an augmented hearing device for spectators with the mission of giving everyone control over their auditory environment, makes events safer and more inclusive to all. O’Callaghan presented several use cases including one that enables turning down the volume of a game when listening to what your friend is saying next to you and turning it up again when finished. The judges, including innovation and technical experts as well as stadium and project representatives, were impressed by the inclusivity aspect and the variety of possible use cases inside the stadium and elsewhere. As part of the prize, Pauline O’Callaghan will now receivesix months of business support from MONICA to help her progress her winning prototype.
The IMPRESS project had its final review in April. It took place in Brazil. The use case has been the famous opera house Teatro Amazonas in Manuas in Brazil. In the project CNet has developed deployment tools for installations of large scale IoT applications. Also a set of development tools, including an IoT Resource and Service Catalogue and an IoT event debugging tool have been developed. The project was carried out by a consortium of European and Brazilian partners.