Innovating Things

Internet of Things innovations for consumer, business and society improvements

About Us

CNet is an Internet of Things company developing innovative products and services for a wide range of business and consumer applications utilizing the latest IoT, Big Data and Cloud technologies to create business improvements. We are a R&D intensive software house with many years experience from international projects in IoT. We are experts in creating innovative and exploitable outcome with long-term value from research and innovation projects.


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European Factory Foundation

Latest IoT Apps

We are constantly developing new and innovative apps for IoT usage. Here is a collection of the latest apps we have released.

  • GrainCloud

    GrainCloud provides farmers mobile access to their post-harvesting and grain drying system. At any time they can check the status of their facility and the on-going transport and drying processes. It is a Farm-In-Your-Pocket solution that makes the farmers Life much easier.

  • AsthmaWatch

    AsthmaWatch provides asthma users with a realtime map over airpollution levels in their environment. It was awarded the Stockholm Open Innovation Award 2017.

  • LinkWatch

    LinkWatch allows patients to measure different vital signs and automatically send them to their care organisation.

  • Termado

    Termado is an ontology based tool for searching large scale professional vocabularies. Full support for multi-linguality is provided.

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