Peter Rosengren
23rd November 2023
IoTBridge is now sharing a dataset related to the damage to the bridge in Vänersborg that was recently detected by the structural health monitoring system. The bridge is a single-leaf bascule bridge carrying railway traffic over a canal. It has been monitored by the system since 2021, continuously collecting data from strain sensors, accelerometers, an
Peter Rosengren
20th November 2023
CNet is participating in the LoLiPoP-IoT project which is aiming to improve the battery lifetime and energy harvesting of wireless sensors that are retrofitted in IoT applications for monitoring purposes. Consisting of 40 European partners, the project is creating an ecosystem of developers, integrators and users to develop power platforms which consider power/battery life, ease
Vårt dotterbolag Checkwatt deltar i ett Europeiskt forskningsprojekt, EVIDENT, tillsammans med Trinity College i Dublin. Projektet arbetar med att förstå hur individer resonerar och fattar beslut i energirelaterade frågor. Denna studie syftar till att förstå hur faktorer som finansiell kunskap och kunnighet i miljöfrågor kan påverka energibeslut. Genom detta hoppas EVIDENT-projektet förstå hur man kan
Peter Rosengren
7th April 2023
Our project Response was shown on the French news recently. The project is turning an old disctrict in the city of Dijon into a energy postive district using new smart and suistainable technologies. CNet is responsible for air quality monitoring. Projet Response H2020 – Reportage France 3 – YouTube
Peter Rosengren
7th April 2023
Last week the first swedish patients started using the HSmartBPM platform for management of hypertension. HSmartBPM improves effectiveness of the treatment of hypertensive, or undiagnosed high-risk patients by collecting much more data from different sources and by maximizing the benefits of collected data by sharing of data between related actors such as healthcare experts, patients,
Peter Rosengren
22nd March 2023
IoTBridge has developed a digital twin that is connected to a bridge monitoring system. The digital twin replicates the health status of the physical bridge and renders the continous sensor measurements from a real bridge, which is located at Bryngeån in the north of Sweden. Check out their demo video. The Building Information Model of
Peter Rosengren
5th December 2022
CheckWatt has acquired SM Teknik, a technology company specialising in connecting and controlling wind power stations. After this deal CheckWatt is now monitoring 662 wind power stations with an aggregated installed power of 956 MWatt. These power stations will now be possible to connect to the rapidly growing grid flexibility market in Sweden through CheckWatts
Peter Rosengren
5th December 2022
CheckHealth together with a European consortium has won a procurement for innovative services in the healthcare sector. The CORRAL consortium will develop and deliver an integrated care platform which allows monitoring of environmental, physical and psychological patient-related variables, and continuous analysis of recorded data and care team inputs. The platform is based on an artificial
Peter Rosengren
27th October 2022
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency has launched the Swedish National terminology database for cyber security. The database contains definitions of important cyber security concepts and is searchable over the Internet. The new terminology database will harmonise cyber security concepts among all involved stakeholders in the cyber security field. The terminology system was implemented using the Termado
Peter Rosengren
30th September 2022
CheckWatts virtual power plant Currently was activated last week when a finnish nuclear power plant was suddenly stopped. This is the biggest flexibility activation so far for Currently. Using Currently the grid operator stabilises the grid when the frequency suddenly changes. Read more.