IoT Architecture

All posts tagged IoT Architecture

CNet Presents at M2M Workshop on Smart Cities

CNet today participated and made a presentation at an international M2M for Smart Cities Workshop in Copenhagen. Sustainable urban development is recognised as a key challenge at a global level. The ‘Smart Cities’ model provides opportunities and challenges for cooperation on issues related to areas of energy, water, health, transport, environment, information and communication technologies.

During the workshop CNet presented the Almanac project and our work on how to integrate IoT Data and Business Data to achieve real business process improvements of the city operations. We are also researching and developing a federated storage architecture for big data processing and advanced resource and service catalogue functions to support semantic interoperability of heterogeneous resources, devices, and services.

Ulf WingstedtCNet Presents at M2M Workshop on Smart Cities

CNet joins Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation

CNet has join the European AIOTI Alliance for IoT Developers and Innovators. The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation was recently initiated by the European Commission in order to develop and support the dialogue and interaction among the Internet of Things (IoT) various players. The overall goal of the establishment of the AlOTI is the creation of a dynamic European IoT ecosystem to unleash the potentials of the IoT.

Ulf WingstedtCNet joins Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation

CAMI Kick-off

The CAMI project had its kick-off meeting in end of June in Bucharest, Romania. The project will develop a fully integrated AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) solution by providing services for health management, home management and wellbeing including socialization. CAMI builds an artificial intelligence ecosystem, which allows seamless integration of any number of ambient and wearable sensors with a mobile robotic platform endowed with multimodal interaction (touch, voice, person detection), including a telepresence robot.

Ulf WingstedtCAMI Kick-off