CNet presented in Cooperation with the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf and the University Clinic Düsseldorf and Fraunhofer the clinician and patient dashboard of PICASO at the 46th DGRh – German Society for Rheumatology Congress on 19th to 22nd September 2018 in Mannheim.
Attending Rheumatologists could learn about the details of the PICASO solution and test the prototypes. The attending audience mostly appreciated the value of the applications to improve the integrated care of patients and the mobile solutions to monitor and provide a complete health status overview of the patient. As integrated care is still in its infancy, a lively exchange with clinicians regarding the usability and applicability of the solutions happened during the Congress. Issues discussed were suggestions for additional features and improvements, as well as challenges with increasing amounts of available patient information. IT-platforms like PICASO can serve as valuable clinical decision support to minimise the effort to asses all available information about a patient.