Smart manufacturing

All posts tagged Smart manufacturing

IoT and blockchains for collaborative manufacturing

We recently launched our new Project COMPOSITION, a 3 year project focused on smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0. The Project will develop Technologies for IoT, Deep Learning and blockchain to provide a platform to allow collaborative manufacturing involving different stakeholders such as factories, logistics companies, suppliers, retailers and consultant in an ecosystem. Two use cases will be developed – manufacturing of medical devices and supply chain management.

The project will implement RAMI 4.0 (Reference Model Architecture Industry 4.0). CNet is the technical coordinator of the project which has a budget of 7,6 MEur.

Peter RosengrenIoT and blockchains for collaborative manufacturing

CNet joins Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation

CNet has join the European AIOTI Alliance for IoT Developers and Innovators. The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation was recently initiated by the European Commission in order to develop and support the dialogue and interaction among the Internet of Things (IoT) various players. The overall goal of the establishment of the AlOTI is the creation of a dynamic European IoT ecosystem to unleash the potentials of the IoT.

Ulf WingstedtCNet joins Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation